BEDROCK ... The Fundamental principles upon which something is built.

Everything in life begins with a purpose. That purpose is what will ultimately guide the decision’s one makes about where they go, what they will do, and who they will become. Having a strong foundation of morals is the most important thing on the pathway of success and it will hinge not on what you do but HOW you do it.

 As a band, the music is one of the most important components of a live performance. An artist may have a great song but with a distracting band the Bedrock of the message will get lost.

Screenshot_2020-07-15 Bedrock The Foundation ( bedrockthefoundation) • Instagram photos and videos(2).png

Life is no different. People are no different. The Bedrock of a doctor, lawyer, cashier, an artist, teacher, and parents will all vastly differ, but one thing will remain common. You will need a strong foundation! Through that our world and communities become a better place.

What's your BEDROCK?